The Best AI Website Builders Compared: Which Web Builder Is Right For You?

Mixo allows you to generate a full landing page complete with copy, images, a brand logo, and an email collection feature within seconds. All you need is a short text prompt! Simply type in  your idea and let the site run with it. So if you only want a basic yet powerful landing page, Mixo is an excellent choice. However, it might be too simple for those who need more customization and complexity.


Best for:

• Agencies

• Freelancers


AI-generated content: copy, images, and logo

• Email collection feature

• Ability to create a website from a simple text prompt

• Free Trial


+ Easy to use and beginner-friendly

+ Quick setup, perfect for launching new ideas

+ Free to use for basic version


- Limited customization options

- Uses the same basic layout for each website


This is the tool for those who need extensive customization and advanced features. 10Web offers the same simple creation process as the previous web builders mentioned, but adds on significantly more features. Most importantly, it creates fully customizable WordPress websites. The platform’s AI assistant can write and edit SEO-optimized content and also has the ability to clone any webpage’s layout, allowing you to recreate and customize it as your own. It is also one of the most price-competitive on the list if you opt for the annual which works out to $10/month.


Best for:

• Hobby/DIY

• Agencies

• Freelancers


• Fully customizable WordPress websites

• AI-assistant for SEO-optimized content creation

• Ability to clone any webpage layout


+ Extensive customization options

Comprehensive features including premium widgets

AI-assistant for quick and easy content writing process

AI webpage cloning to recreate any website

The annual rate is extremely affordable, working out to $10/month


- The monthly rate is more expensive than both Mixo and Durable ($20/month)

- Requires more effort to learn and utilize all its features


3. Durable

If you’re looking for more than just a landing page, Durable is a better fit. Like Mixo, Durable starts by asking what type of business you want to create a website for. Durable outperforms Mixo with its ability to add additional pages, as well as its backend which includes marketing tools, CRM tools, and professional invoicing. It even offers an AI assistant to help you navigate its features and create marketing strategies.


Best for:

• Agencies

• Freelancers


• AI-generated websites with the ability to add extra pages

• Integrated marketing and CRM tools

• AI assistant for marketing strategies and navigation


+ More comprehensive and detailed compared to Mixo

Ability to add additional pages

Has a full hero image

Ability to regenerate and customize sections

AI assistant

Marketing, crm, and invoicing tools


- More expensive than Mixo ($15/month)

Generates the same layout each time

Customization is limited


If you’re looking for more than just a landing page, Durable is a better fit. Like Mixo, Durable starts by asking what type of business you want to create a website for. Durable outperforms Mixo with its ability to add additional pages, as well as its backend which includes marketing tools, CRM tools, and professional invoicing. It even offers an AI assistant to help you navigate its features and create marketing strategies.


Best for:

• Agencies

• Freelancers

• Hobby/DIY


• Multi-page website creation

• Backend packed with marketing and CRM tools

• AI assistant for guidance and strategy formulation


+ Perfect blend of simplicity and advanced features

Comprehensive tools for marketing and CRM

AI assistant offers valuable support and guidance


- Simplicity may limit customization options

Array of features might be overwhelming for beginners


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